Organisational model
Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. has adopted an Organizational Model which adheres to the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001 in order to uphold the highest standards of ethics, integrity and transparency in the conduct of all our corporate operations.
We firmly believe that implementing this Model can serve as an effective instrument for raising awareness, both for our employees and all other interested parties (Customers, Suppliers, Partners, etc.) and serves to encourage them to conduct their own business activities with respect for the law, integrity and ethics, and thus mitigate the risk of any unlawful behaviour.
An integral part of our Organizational Model is the Code of Ethics. This establishes the code of conduct and standards of integrity and transparency that all Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. employees must comply with in their relationships with each other and with third parties.
Veneta Mineraria ha adottato un sistema conforme al Decreto legislativo 10 marzo 2023 n. 24 di recepimento della nuova disciplina europea in tema di whistleblowing.